The Land Survey Department of the Land & Aerial Survey Office of the Indiana Department of Transportation coordinates a network of continuously operating reference stations (CORS). Each CORS site provides Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS - GPS, GLONASS, GAILILEO & BEIDOU) carrier phase and code range measurements in support of 3-dimensional positioning activities throughout the state of Indiana.
Surveyors, GIS/LIS professionals, engineers, scientists, and others can apply CORS data to position points at which GNSS data have been collected. The CORS system enables positioning accuracies that approach a few centimeters relative to the National Spatial Reference System, both horizontally and vertically.
Important: Updated Broadcast Corrections(pdf)
Trimble Support Notice to           InCORS Users:
InCORS Station Upgrades |
The Data page links you to our RINEX and MDB data to download for post processing.
Real Time (RTK) page describes options with our real time data feeds and provides instructions on signing up for access.
The RINEX File Status page provides an hourly view of the quality and availability of RINEX files for post processing.