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GNSS Reference Solutions

User Agreement Form

INDOT's GNSS Reference System delivers:
  • cm level real-time kinematic corrections
  • post-processing solutions
  • sub-meter GIS corrections

Providing a real-time kinematic (RTK) correction service over the internet, and RINEX files for post-processing .You don’t have to be a Leica user to enjoy the benefits of INDOT's GNSS. If your GPS or GNSS receiver can connect to the internet, INDOT can deliver the data you need.
With this service offered by INDOT using Leica's GNSS Technologies you don't need to invest in an extra base station to get accurate positions. You don't need to setup a base station first and worry about its safety. Just start your GNSS rover and connect. A few seconds later, you have the ability to survey with cm-accuracy.

InCORS Station Upgrades


RTK Access
To get access to our RTK Service you must first agree to our User Agreement and Data Disclaimers. Complete the [User Agreement], print, sign and return it to our office for processing by mail, fax or e-mail to:

Land & Aerial Survey Office
InCORS Network Administrator
120 South Shortridge Road
Indianapolis, IN 46219-6705
Phone: Network Admin: 317.522.9771
              Office Manager: 317.522.9736
Fax: 317-356-9351

Currently the InCORS is providing Network RTK in RTCM (Real Time Correction Message) 2.x, and 3.x in the MAX, i-MAX and MSM4 formats via NTRIP (Networked Transport of RTCM via Internet), as well as CMR and CMR+ formats via NTRIP. The main difference between MAX and i-MAX is the processing is done at the ROVER for MAX and with i-MAX the processing is done at the servers. The MSM4 products contain the messaging for all four constellations.

In order to access these messages the user will need a wireless modem device that can access the wireless web. The modems come in all shapes and styles and through different wireless providers. INDOT does not recommend one provider over the other, the user must determine the coverage in his/her particular area to determine the best solution.

The users also need to complete the RTK Users Agreement which is available at this link. [User Agreement] Once the RTK User Agreement is signed and returned to INDOT, INDOT will provide the IP address, port number, account username and account password to the user.

Additional RTK Documentation
Leica Newsletter - 52 - An Introduction to RTK
Leica Newsletter - 53 - Different RTK Methods
Leica Newsletter - 54 - RTK Case Study
Broadcast Corrections/Products
Station Coordinates and RTCM ID Numbers

User Tech Support Note
The Indiana Department of Transportation is providing access to the InCORS Network to any user recognizing the value of such a service at no charge. Although our ultimate goal is to provide complete support to all users, at this time access is being provided “as-is”. We currently don’t have the resources or staff to provide 24/7 technical support to all users. While we understand that some users may have questions regarding access to the network, we simply do not have the capability to respond to all inquiries. Our limited staffing is only available during normal business hours (Monday-Friday, 7:30am-4:00pm EST) and our first priority is supporting INDOT project production.

We have tried to construct the InCORS web interface to be as user friendly as possible and provide the necessary information to all users. Please be patient as it will be a work in progress. We strongly recommend that you try to extract as much information from the website as possible before seeking additional support directly from our office. We encourage users to rely on their equipment vendors to help with their specific rover configuration. We will be compiling and posting support documents for various brands of rovers to our website as they are developed. If you experience an issue with the network, please visit the website for any system alerts or notices that may affect you. Please ensure that the email address you provide when submitting a request for RTK access is correct and updated when necessary. Our primary means to contact you with network availability issues is by email.

If you have a specific issue or question regarding the network that is not addressed on our website, please email your inquiry to us first at, before attempting to call in.
We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

Data and Website Disclaimers